Friday, May 29, 2009
RYTHM OF LIFE (music_project_09_1G_kishore&sathya&ruixiang&ryantia)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Stompings in RI
Our song piece is about the daily sound in RI, mostly the stomping part. We hear many stomps in RI, starting from morning assembly in the morning to the footsteps of us going home. For our project, we recorded one of our group members, Tan Ming He, stomping and used Audacity to change it and develop it into this piece. We used white sound, fade in and out, change pitch and tone and many other functions to change it. the WahWah effect was very effective and interesting and we used it a lot. We faced difficulties like trying to make our piece long enough and putting the piece online. So, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joshua Yao (30)
Edgar Tan (28)
Tan Ming He (29)
Sylwan Rahardja (27)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Yew in Ng Minor
Yew in Ng Minor - Random Belehs feat. Yowza Farquhar
We are Michael Leong (20), Jonathan Leong (14), Timothy Tan (24), and Kwok Wai Kit (12). We went around the school recording everyday sounds, and later used a program called Audacity to edit the sounds. We combined all our sounds to make a really awesome soundtrack, even better that the Star Wars one!
Our sounds include water, someone buying a drink, a bin cover dropping, more water, us running up stairs etc. We edited each sound individually, but still kept an original part of the sound. Our sounds reflect the everyday life at RI and how time passes. The sounds speedup then slow down, symbolising how time passes without you knowing it, and we use the fade in and fade out technique, showing the start and end of a new day. We hope you enjoy our soundtrack and appreciate the cool name.
Happy NGing,
The Jia Lud Team
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We Eat Food-- Footsteps Soundscape
footsteps - 1QUFCPRO
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sounds of the toilet
Sounds of the toilet -
Thursday, March 26, 2009
IRRITATION NATION IS: Brandon Ong (Brandy!!! :D) (25), Norman Tan (Normmy!!! :O)(27)
and... Hao Yu (Hao...Hao.. Yi? O.o) (29)
File Location: Click Here
Our Soundscape Audio is named: Musical Coughs, why? It was made mainly of ONE sound, and yes... THAT IS A COUGH FROM RI :D, Enjoy ^^ By the way,
changing the pitch of a certain cough sound is awesome, and yes, the
background noise, coughing were the ONLY sounds we used from our
recordings, the other three, the click, pitch thing and static was
just computer generated. It is slightly irritating though so be warned :).
This soundscape invokes the deep thinking of how a cough can be so catching especially in such a big community in RI. Have you ever thought about why people have a 'sheep mentality', where they follow the crowd? Like when someone wants to go to the toilet and then everybody follows? Or when someone says he's going to vote for a certain Person X in some competition and everyone else suddenly wants to vote for him?
While it may sound rather 'lame', it actually carries a very profound message about life's weird occurances.... listen to all the other sounds, now imagine the other sounds competing with the coughs, insulting, taunting, fighting... but the cough still prevails. Think of jealousy in our time, now think of how loud the cough is, and then think of the string pluck that ends it all...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
RI SoundScapes: The Heart of Raffles Institution
The Heart of Raffles Institution
The chaos at the beginning is mainly about our class and other classes just before lunch or recess is over. ABSOLUTE CHAOS!!! An Example:
"Showlin Showdown my Foot"There was a few swear words inside the school but we censored that out with a blank tone. We also warped the tones to show how warped some peoples' minds can be.
- Nicholas Teo, During break
All in all, this has been an enriching experience for all of us.
Pang Thong Sheng Joseph (22)
Pang Lon Kai (21)
Stanley Tan (27)
Ong Kai Jing (20)
Nicholas Teo Ann Hong (17)
Secondary 1 J
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sound Scape- FIRE
Done by:
George Lin Jia Wei (8)
Huang Jing Hui (9)
Lazarus Chok Chien Hsin (13)
Wee Jing Long (26)
The heat, the intensity, the audacity… Fire is a very dangerous but elegant object to behold. It can be wild like a behemoth or gentle like the summer wind… Our sound scape is based on the theme FIRE.
The effects revolved around the concept of FIRE. There was a fade in, at first. Then, after the first part, it faded back out. This is followed by soft and calm music, which is the same as when the fire has stopped burning. Then, it starts to fade in again, building up the pressure and intensity. When the fire is burning, the wah wah effect was used, to show how the heat and power was emanating from the tremendous fire. This is like a time bomb, so it is continued with a tick tock sound, to express it was a time bomb. More heat is emanating from the powerful fire, and the tick tock sound continues. Everything gradually fades out, when there is little fuel left, and the fire is being extinguished.
Now to our sound scape. The sounds compiled into a piece of music are very random. Though they might sound outrageous and simply atrocious at times, they are actually derived from our everyday lives.
Now, back to our theme fire. Why did we use this theme anyway? The truth is, the music gets more intense and more intense and then ‘BOOM!’ it turns gentle again in the middle. As the music begins again, the fire burns more fiercely and is enraged at its containment. Towards the end, the music becomes softer and duller and finally comes to a stop. It is just like a fire, when it finally has no more to burn, sputtering out.
Now, back to our so-called music. It may get a little irritating at times, but if you hear carefully, you will be able to hear the true beauty of the music.
Gentlemen, we are proud to present to you… FIRE! (Quoted: When it reaches the middle where it is very intense, just SCREAM!!!!!)
Fire - Ri1i09
Monday, March 23, 2009
STE-005 Waterfall.mp3 -
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Daryll, Fang Shuo, Gaius, Jansen (Reg. no. 8,9,10,11) 1P
08022602 -
We then went around RI and recorded some sounds. We recorded sounds of basketball dribbling, water running, switch closing, door slamming and the turning of pages of a book. The basketball, switch and door sounds are louder and are thus used for the beginning and the end, so as to give an interesting beginning and a satisfying end. The softer sounds, that of the book and the water, are used as the “bridge” in the music piece as they give a good effect after a loud sound. They can also be used before a loud sound to kind of “introduce” the louder sounds.
We also ran into several problems as some of our members could not download the program, Audacity. Another one of our members refused to co-operate and precious time is wasted negotiating with him. However, he was adamant in his decision. We were low on time and were not really good at putting the sounds together, but by trying hard, we managed to come up with a decent piece of music. This shows that anyone can make a piece of music if you really want to. So to those who are interested, just download Audacity and start recording!
Rhythm of Water
water.mp3 -
WAVfiles are checked, as waffles are checkered!~ 1P
Our Soundscape 1P
created this song with the sounds of the school band, combined with the rhythm of a basketball at the basketball court. this soundscape was made to show that ri is a diverse school with students that have many talents. We started off by going to the basketball court to record the sounds with a rather new Music Recorder, provided by Dr Ho. During the process of the creation of this Soundscape, we experienced many setbacks like sudden screams from our group mate or other groups using the basketball court.