Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daryll, Fang Shuo, Gaius, Jansen (Reg. no. 8,9,10,11) 1P

08022602 -
At first, we were baffled to hear that even common and thus often taken for granted or unnoticed sounds could be made and formed into a piece of music which is unique in its own way as it was unlike the common ones formed by various instruments.

We then went around RI and recorded some sounds. We recorded sounds of basketball dribbling, water running, switch closing, door slamming and the turning of pages of a book. The basketball, switch and door sounds are louder and are thus used for the beginning and the end, so as to give an interesting beginning and a satisfying end. The softer sounds, that of the book and the water, are used as the “bridge” in the music piece as they give a good effect after a loud sound. They can also be used before a loud sound to kind of “introduce” the louder sounds.

We also ran into several problems as some of our members could not download the program, Audacity. Another one of our members refused to co-operate and precious time is wasted negotiating with him. However, he was adamant in his decision. We were low on time and were not really good at putting the sounds together, but by trying hard, we managed to come up with a decent piece of music. This shows that anyone can make a piece of music if you really want to. So to those who are interested, just download Audacity and start recording!

Rhythm of Water

water.mp3 -
We got the idea to use water as part of our RI soundscape project as it was constant and would serve as a background rhythm for the project. we also used sounds from the discovery channel, recorded from the library. just based on this 2 sounds and our editing, our piece is born. we title it the rhythm of water as water pays a major part in this piece. the water represents the life of an RI student and the numerous loud noises that disrupt the order represent the trouble rafflesians face in their daily lives. the last part of the song where only water is heard, that shows water, the RI student, prevailing through all the difficulties and emerging improved and better than ever. we believe that through the numerous projects and setbacks which are forced onto us in the course of our 6 years in RI, we will emerge unscathed and better than ever, learning from all that we have undergone in the past years.
This project is done be: Ng Si Hong(20)
                                           Seah Yi(25)
   Matthew Lou(18)
   from 1pmusicgroup4. 

WAVfiles are checked, as waffles are checkered!~ 1P

Group members (1P):
Alvin Ryanputra  (1) 
Chen Dawei (7)
Simon Ang (4)
Andrew Chia (2)

We, the group from 1P called WAVFiles were assigned the music project to create a sound scape relevant to RI.  Since it was relatively quiet when we were sent out to collect sounds, we reproduced the sounds, while ensuring that these could be found in RI.
  These included things like huffing and sighing, pen clicking, stomping of feet and we recorded the flowing water sound from the koi pond near the General Office.  Our next step was to organise this mess into something relevant to RI.  We used the sounds to generate a soundscape giving the feel of a typical RI day.
  From the flowing water, it symbolises the easy flow of the lessons as the day when by and hows it was like the teacher teaching, the flowing of knowledge from one person to another.  The pauses in this flowing showed tiredness and stop listening and the period that is everyone's favourite -- recess.
  The beeping sounds are the the chatter of the students in class, occuring all throughout the day and sometimes continuously. Toward the end of the day, the chatter becomes deafening as both the students and the teachers are dead tired.
  The stomping of feet are movements, both within the classroom a students answer questions or pass things around, with the highest point during recess where there are lots of sports, and eventually getting less as the students get more lethargic while the day flies by.
  The short duration of the clip is to symbolise how much can happen within such a short time frame.  The huffing in the clip represents the teachers droning in their lessons.
  All these go together nicely, an odd fact considering that all these sounds are distinctly different.
  This is done through the help of various effect like bass amplification etc.  one especially unique effect is the WahWah effect with gives the impression of the sound going from one ear to another.  It was relatively interesting to experiment with the various sound effects to make the entire piece fit together even though it may have been tiring.
  School may make students slightly lethargic, but that doesn't mean the lethargy isn't enjoyable! We hope you enjoy this piece and we would like to thank our teacher Dr. Ho for all his support and gentle guidance.

Our Soundscape 1P

Our group, MoO023Y,
created this song with the sounds of the school band, combined with the rhythm of a basketball at the basketball court. this soundscape was made to show that ri is a diverse school with students that have many talents. We started off by going to the basketball court to record the sounds with a rather new Music Recorder, provided by Dr Ho. During the process of the creation of this Soundscape, we experienced many setbacks like sudden screams from our group mate or other groups using the basketball court. 

Later on, we proceded to the Artspace to record the Millitary bands music. We started to record the sound for 30 seconds before we discovered that he was not actually recording the sound, but the recorder was set to standby.

This song is dedicated to MJ