Thursday, March 12, 2009

1H index number 9,10,11,12 sounds

The recording was done behind the school near Bishan road. We used the change speed and tempo effect to change the sound of the 1 minute recording. The effect 'wahwah' was also used at about the 10 second interval. The raining sound is caused by a digger truck, while the engine revving sound is caused by he motorcycles and cars passing by while the sound was recorded.
the sounds used in the soundscape comes from the main atrium.
the first twenty seconds or so of the soundscape is the sound of the trickling water at the koi pond.
the drumming sounds that follow are MADE by construction workers who were having a bit of fun by banging on the cupboards WHICH THEY were moving we feel that this piece of music evokes a kind of zeal into oneself as the powerful arms of the construction workers thumping against the cupboard
also, we feel that this piece of music signifies nature as nature can be soft and then SUDDENLY loud and powerful.
This piece of music can fall under the category of a soundscape as there is no definite pitch in the entire piece. Rather, this piece uses natural sounds that are synchronised.
The piece of 'music' can be found at this link:

DOne by:Wei Shern
Chow Xiang