Saturday, March 28, 2009

We Eat Food-- Footsteps Soundscape

Done by: Wei Sheng (10), Kavin (7), Nikhil (12) and Nicholas Quek (11) from 1Q

Primarily, our soundscape audio consists of-- footsteps. That's right. Footsteps. Simple, common footsteps that go by unnoticed each day. Basically we want to bring out the fact that something cliche and repetitive can be unique in a way. Running, walking, strolling, jumping... they are all connected as movements and portray art at its finest: basically taking something common and focusing on its uniqueness and specialty. 

Enjoy our Soundscape!

Wei Sheng 

footsteps - 1QUFCPRO

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sounds of the toilet

Done by: Alastair(1), Alexander(2), Maverick(3)
Class     : 1G

Our soundscape audio is called sounds of the toilet because we go to the toilet everyday!!!We get so familiar and used to it we may not notice the rhythms the toilet can create. We always associate toilets with dirty, smelly rooms. Next time when you go to the toilet, try to hear the voice of the toilet, you'll be amazed at what you can hear. We used different parts of the toilet like the sink, toilet bowl and even the hand dryer to create this soundscape. Please enjoy the short music clip. 

Sounds of the toilet -

Thursday, March 26, 2009


First and foremost, YAY FIRST POST :D
IRRITATION NATION IS: Brandon Ong (Brandy!!! :D) (25), Norman Tan (Normmy!!! :O)(27)
and... Hao Yu (Hao...Hao.. Yi? O.o) (29)


File Location: Click Here
Our Soundscape Audio is named: Musical Coughs, why? It was made mainly of ONE sound, and yes... THAT IS A COUGH FROM RI :D, Enjoy ^^ By the way,
changing the pitch of a certain cough sound is awesome, and yes, the
background noise, coughing were the ONLY sounds we used from our
recordings, the other three, the click, pitch thing and static was
just computer generated. It is slightly irritating though so be warned :).
This soundscape invokes the deep thinking of how a cough can be so catching especially in such a big community in RI. Have you ever thought about why people have a 'sheep mentality', where they follow the crowd? Like when someone wants to go to the toilet and then everybody follows? Or when someone says he's going to vote for a certain Person X in some competition and everyone else suddenly wants to vote for him?
While it may sound rather 'lame', it actually carries a very profound message about life's weird occurances.... listen to all the other sounds, now imagine the other sounds competing with the coughs, insulting, taunting, fighting... but the cough still prevails. Think of jealousy in our time, now think of how loud the cough is, and then think of the string pluck that ends it all...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

RI SoundScapes: The Heart of Raffles Institution

RI SoundScapes: The Heart of Raffles Institution

The Heart of Raffles Institution

Hi. We are from 1J and we entitle our piece of music, the Heart of Raffles Institution.

For this piece of work, we recorded a piece of nature, which was the Koi pond outside of the General Office. We did some really dangerous stuff, Lon Kai was chasing after a van to get the sound (kids, DO NOT try this at home). We also had fun recording down the overs! and unders! shouted by the kids doing the track and field module who, unlike us, did not look like they were having fun. We also used the sound of water running from a tap, used to wash our hands after the toiled brake and the sounds from walking up the stairs.

Now for the fun part. We used Audacity to mix the whole thing up like a very picky and sophisticated blender. One of our favourite uses was the wah wah and the reverse functions, they were used for the siren effect for the beginning part. Suprising enough, I managed to turn walking up the stairs into drum beats and a PE lesson into a high pitched voice chanting my friend's name followed by a squeal.

The chaos at the beginning is mainly about our class and other classes just before lunch or recess is over. ABSOLUTE CHAOS!!! An Example:
"Showlin Showdown my Foot"
- Nicholas Teo, During break
There was a few swear words inside the school but we censored that out with a blank tone. We also warped the tones to show how warped some peoples' minds can be.

All in all, this has been an enriching experience for all of us.

Pang Thong Sheng Joseph (22)
Pang Lon Kai (21)
Stanley Tan (27)
Ong Kai Jing (20)
Nicholas Teo Ann Hong (17)

Secondary 1 J

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sound Scape- FIRE

Done by:

George Lin Jia Wei (8)

Huang Jing Hui (9)

Lazarus Chok Chien Hsin (13)

Wee Jing Long (26)


The heat, the intensity, the audacity… Fire is a very dangerous but elegant object to behold. It can be wild like a behemoth or gentle like the summer wind… Our sound scape is based on the theme FIRE.

The effects revolved around the concept of FIRE. There was a fade in, at first. Then, after the first part, it faded back out. This is followed by soft and calm music, which is the same as when the fire has stopped burning. Then, it starts to fade in again, building up the pressure and intensity. When the fire is burning, the wah wah effect was used, to show how the heat and power was emanating from the tremendous fire. This is like a time bomb, so it is continued with a tick tock sound, to express it was a time bomb. More heat is emanating from the powerful fire, and the tick tock sound continues. Everything gradually fades out, when there is little fuel left, and the fire is being extinguished.

Now to our sound scape. The sounds compiled into a piece of music are very random. Though they might sound outrageous and simply atrocious at times, they are actually derived from our everyday lives.

Now, back to our theme fire. Why did we use this theme anyway? The truth is, the music gets more intense and more intense and then ‘BOOM!’ it turns gentle again in the middle. As the music begins again, the fire burns more fiercely and is enraged at its containment. Towards the end, the music becomes softer and duller and finally comes to a stop. It is just like a fire, when it finally has no more to burn, sputtering out.

Now, back to our so-called music. It may get a little irritating at times, but if you hear carefully, you will be able to hear the true beauty of the music.
Gentlemen, we are proud to present to you… FIRE! (Quoted: When it reaches the middle where it is very intense, just SCREAM!!!!!)

Fire - Ri1i09

Monday, March 23, 2009

  With the combined sounds of whirring fans, piano playing, running water and the flushing of the toilet, we constructed a melody. The sounds of whirring air conditioning fans, piano playing and the flushing of the toilet were obtained from the Artspace. The sounds of running water were obtained from the mini-fountain near the General Office. 
  The sound of running water were chosen to be the rhythm of the music as it provided a constant beat to the music. This is because the water would be constantly flowing from its faucet and the sounds emitted would not be subjected to significant changes.
  Random sounds of edited piano playing were inserted into the beginning of the melody. The piano sounds are edited differently. After the piano sounds and a period of running water sounds, the flushing of the toilet is played. This injects some humour into the melody created.
  After the flushing sounds, random intervals of the edited piano playing can be heard once more. After that, there would be the sounds of the air-conditioning fans to signify the end of the piece. A brief period of running water sounds follow.
  This is related to the theme, 'RI Soundscapes', as the piece of music is a conglomeration of different sounds obtained from differing places. It is thus a landscape brimming of differing sounds coming together and transforming ordinary sounds into music.


STE-005 Waterfall.mp3 -

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daryll, Fang Shuo, Gaius, Jansen (Reg. no. 8,9,10,11) 1P

08022602 -
At first, we were baffled to hear that even common and thus often taken for granted or unnoticed sounds could be made and formed into a piece of music which is unique in its own way as it was unlike the common ones formed by various instruments.

We then went around RI and recorded some sounds. We recorded sounds of basketball dribbling, water running, switch closing, door slamming and the turning of pages of a book. The basketball, switch and door sounds are louder and are thus used for the beginning and the end, so as to give an interesting beginning and a satisfying end. The softer sounds, that of the book and the water, are used as the “bridge” in the music piece as they give a good effect after a loud sound. They can also be used before a loud sound to kind of “introduce” the louder sounds.

We also ran into several problems as some of our members could not download the program, Audacity. Another one of our members refused to co-operate and precious time is wasted negotiating with him. However, he was adamant in his decision. We were low on time and were not really good at putting the sounds together, but by trying hard, we managed to come up with a decent piece of music. This shows that anyone can make a piece of music if you really want to. So to those who are interested, just download Audacity and start recording!

Rhythm of Water

water.mp3 -
We got the idea to use water as part of our RI soundscape project as it was constant and would serve as a background rhythm for the project. we also used sounds from the discovery channel, recorded from the library. just based on this 2 sounds and our editing, our piece is born. we title it the rhythm of water as water pays a major part in this piece. the water represents the life of an RI student and the numerous loud noises that disrupt the order represent the trouble rafflesians face in their daily lives. the last part of the song where only water is heard, that shows water, the RI student, prevailing through all the difficulties and emerging improved and better than ever. we believe that through the numerous projects and setbacks which are forced onto us in the course of our 6 years in RI, we will emerge unscathed and better than ever, learning from all that we have undergone in the past years.
This project is done be: Ng Si Hong(20)
                                           Seah Yi(25)
   Matthew Lou(18)
   from 1pmusicgroup4. 

WAVfiles are checked, as waffles are checkered!~ 1P

Group members (1P):
Alvin Ryanputra  (1) 
Chen Dawei (7)
Simon Ang (4)
Andrew Chia (2)

We, the group from 1P called WAVFiles were assigned the music project to create a sound scape relevant to RI.  Since it was relatively quiet when we were sent out to collect sounds, we reproduced the sounds, while ensuring that these could be found in RI.
  These included things like huffing and sighing, pen clicking, stomping of feet and we recorded the flowing water sound from the koi pond near the General Office.  Our next step was to organise this mess into something relevant to RI.  We used the sounds to generate a soundscape giving the feel of a typical RI day.
  From the flowing water, it symbolises the easy flow of the lessons as the day when by and hows it was like the teacher teaching, the flowing of knowledge from one person to another.  The pauses in this flowing showed tiredness and stop listening and the period that is everyone's favourite -- recess.
  The beeping sounds are the the chatter of the students in class, occuring all throughout the day and sometimes continuously. Toward the end of the day, the chatter becomes deafening as both the students and the teachers are dead tired.
  The stomping of feet are movements, both within the classroom a students answer questions or pass things around, with the highest point during recess where there are lots of sports, and eventually getting less as the students get more lethargic while the day flies by.
  The short duration of the clip is to symbolise how much can happen within such a short time frame.  The huffing in the clip represents the teachers droning in their lessons.
  All these go together nicely, an odd fact considering that all these sounds are distinctly different.
  This is done through the help of various effect like bass amplification etc.  one especially unique effect is the WahWah effect with gives the impression of the sound going from one ear to another.  It was relatively interesting to experiment with the various sound effects to make the entire piece fit together even though it may have been tiring.
  School may make students slightly lethargic, but that doesn't mean the lethargy isn't enjoyable! We hope you enjoy this piece and we would like to thank our teacher Dr. Ho for all his support and gentle guidance.

Our Soundscape 1P

Our group, MoO023Y,
created this song with the sounds of the school band, combined with the rhythm of a basketball at the basketball court. this soundscape was made to show that ri is a diverse school with students that have many talents. We started off by going to the basketball court to record the sounds with a rather new Music Recorder, provided by Dr Ho. During the process of the creation of this Soundscape, we experienced many setbacks like sudden screams from our group mate or other groups using the basketball court. 

Later on, we proceded to the Artspace to record the Millitary bands music. We started to record the sound for 30 seconds before we discovered that he was not actually recording the sound, but the recorder was set to standby.

This song is dedicated to MJ

Friday, March 13, 2009

Footprints in the sand (1I index nos. 1,5,18,19,31)

Hi! We are a group from Class 1I… We are
(sorry for the big font… because we are very mad…) To collect the sounds, we used a really cool and huge sound recorder that Dr. Ho lent to us for the recording. We searched every nook and cranny of the RI soundscape for great sounds. For example, we went to the basketball court to record the sounds of the basketball players and the game of basketball. The sound of the basketballs bouncing was like gunshot sounds (boom… boom… boom…) than we proceeded to the RI canteen to record the sounds of the crowd. Even though it was not recess time, there were many students queuing up to eat and eating (enough sounds for us to record as we turned the recorder to its highest sensitivity level). Then, we went to the corner of the canteen with vending machines to record the sounds of the vending machine. You might be thinking that we bought a drink on purpose to create the sound… but we have the integrity to collect real sounds… On our way back to computer lab, we recorded the various footsteps of RIers. Again, I can assure you that we did not record our own footsteps and we also did not go to the toilet to record flushing sounds.
Using the sound we collected, we used a great audio editing program called audacity and I feel all of you should download it.
Link: (You also do not need a professional recorder; you only need a handphone that can record sounds.) We used audacity to change the pitch and tone of the recording. For example, we slowed or increased the speed of the recording for various parts of the recording in order to achieve the effect of wind. Also, we reversed the sounds because music should not be just about changing pitch and speeds; it needs to be organized and using the reverse effects helps us to achieve that. However, the song would not have been possible without the use of other sounds, such as a sound clip of wind from Zhang Wen, one of our group members. (don’t worry, the whole song isn’t just the sound clip.) We combined the sound clip to make the song have a more windy effect(it will not blow you away…, but it will ‘blow’ you away)

Thank you for taking your time to read this blogpost about our song. We hope you enjoy the song on top…

Matthew (19 1I)
Daniel (5 1I)
Zhang Wen (31 1I)
Lin Qi (18 1I)
Andre (1 1I)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

1H index number 9,10,11,12 sounds

The recording was done behind the school near Bishan road. We used the change speed and tempo effect to change the sound of the 1 minute recording. The effect 'wahwah' was also used at about the 10 second interval. The raining sound is caused by a digger truck, while the engine revving sound is caused by he motorcycles and cars passing by while the sound was recorded.
the sounds used in the soundscape comes from the main atrium.
the first twenty seconds or so of the soundscape is the sound of the trickling water at the koi pond.
the drumming sounds that follow are MADE by construction workers who were having a bit of fun by banging on the cupboards WHICH THEY were moving we feel that this piece of music evokes a kind of zeal into oneself as the powerful arms of the construction workers thumping against the cupboard
also, we feel that this piece of music signifies nature as nature can be soft and then SUDDENLY loud and powerful.
This piece of music can fall under the category of a soundscape as there is no definite pitch in the entire piece. Rather, this piece uses natural sounds that are synchronised.
The piece of 'music' can be found at this link:

DOne by:Wei Shern
Chow Xiang

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sonic Shockwaves

We are Michael Leong (20), Jonathan Leong (14), Timothy Tan (24), and Kwok Wai Kit (12). We went around the school recording everyday sounds, and later used a program called Audacity to edit the sounds. We combined all our sounds to make a really awesome soundtrack, even better that the Star Wars one! 

We named our track Sonic Shockwaves as we used a lot of wah-wah effects. Our sounds include water, someone buying a drink, a bin cover dropping, more water, us running up stairs etc. We edited each sound individually, but still kept an original part of the sound. Our sounds reflect the everyday life at RI and how time passes. The sounds speedup then slow down, symbolising how time passes without you knowing it, and we use the fade in and fade out technique, showing the start and end of a new day. We hope you enjoy our soundtrack and appreciate the cool name.

Happy NGing,
The Jia Lud Team

1J, Group 2 Index 9-16.

In the music piece, we used a mixture of both sounds and voices to incorporate the theme of a teacher-student relationship. The first section of the music shows what the teacher and student says when the teacher is about to "torture" the student. The second section of the music is what it sounds like when the teacher is in the act of torturing the student. 

We slowed the tempo down whenever the "teacher" spoke to give him a deep and evil voice while we sped the tempo up to increase the pitch whenever the "student" spoke to give the impression that he is scared of being tortured. The music gets slightly louder throughout the music, enhancing its dramatic effect. Also, we played parts of the music backward to make the music sound weird and unique.

We Will RI You - cool people of 1J o9

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chaos from randomness

Our group used the sounds of falling water and the soft sounds of nature to create the soundscape. 

They have been processed through Audacity, using the tools amplify, normalize, increase pitch, increase tempo, echo, Wahwah and reverse. 

We did not organize the order in which we used the effects to modify the sound files; rather, we used them in a random order, showing that uncontrolled noise can come out of randomness.

The mood the music evokes is that of chaos and uncontrolled music, showing that a normally soothing sound like falling water or background noises (our original recording) can be changed into something noisy, abnormal, and agitative.

It shows how order can change into chaos, for example, how a group of marching ants can run in all directions if there is but a small disturbance in their environment.

Done by: Andre Hui, [15], Ching Wai, [8], Daniel Ang, [9] and Hia Ming [13], all from the class of 1D.

RI 1Q 22to26 - wahwahboom

We are index no.s 22 to 26 from 1Q. We have created a piece of music that involves shutting a fire extinguisher cabinet's door and knocking the side of the fire extinguisher cabinet.

With a programme called Audacity, we edited the original file to make it sound like someone whacking a golf ball with a golf club off course, with the ball sounds like bouncing on the water. This was because we wanted it to be more flavorful and not being monotonous. The file can be found at 

We feel that the piece of music evokes an angry mood because the 'bangs' on the fire extinguisher gets louder and louder.
This piece of music relates to the subject of RI Soundscapes because this piece of music does not involve fixed pitches, or tones, but instead uses natural sounds fond in everyday life to create a piece of music. This is classified under the category of "abstract music" and is relevant to the topic of RI soundscapes.  

Rocking Railings and water

Hi, we are 1Q group 1, and we are Clarence Tew, Nicholas Chua, Ho Yung Cher and Daniel Wong.
Our sound file is named: Rocking railings and water. We named it that way because there are sounds unique to RI. There are many sounds in the file. These include people hitting metal railings, sounds of a man spraying water, which are the main constituents and concepts in our soundscape. The atmosphere of this music is generally loud and some of the sounds, including the water and banging of the railings, are amplified to increase their presence and to enhance the mood. Special effects such as wahwah were also used for the background noise crap to enhance the effect of the din and chatter. A portion also includes someone shouting "Baris serdia", which also contributes to RI's soundscape as this is what we hear every morning assembly before flag raising. we hope you will enjoy our creative crap.

RI 1Q Group 3 - The Opposite of Harmony

Name of Members

    1. Nicholas Oh (14)

    2. Ranald Lam (17)

    3. Safafisalam (19)

    4. Samuel Wittberger (21)

Our music is created by editing sounds captured from different areas of RI. Some are natural while others are man made. (Sounds of rocks, leaves and running water) It was edited using Audacity and over the span of 3-4 lessons. During the course, the original sound clips were edited, and arranged in order with some music overlapping each other. Some un-needed parts were omitted or tuned softer. It is interesting that everyday sounds in the context of the school environment can actually be made into music with some editing and it actually sounds quite nice.

Sound File (from Imeem): Might take some time to load or buffer.

Download/Listen From: