Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daryll, Fang Shuo, Gaius, Jansen (Reg. no. 8,9,10,11) 1P

08022602 -
At first, we were baffled to hear that even common and thus often taken for granted or unnoticed sounds could be made and formed into a piece of music which is unique in its own way as it was unlike the common ones formed by various instruments.

We then went around RI and recorded some sounds. We recorded sounds of basketball dribbling, water running, switch closing, door slamming and the turning of pages of a book. The basketball, switch and door sounds are louder and are thus used for the beginning and the end, so as to give an interesting beginning and a satisfying end. The softer sounds, that of the book and the water, are used as the “bridge” in the music piece as they give a good effect after a loud sound. They can also be used before a loud sound to kind of “introduce” the louder sounds.

We also ran into several problems as some of our members could not download the program, Audacity. Another one of our members refused to co-operate and precious time is wasted negotiating with him. However, he was adamant in his decision. We were low on time and were not really good at putting the sounds together, but by trying hard, we managed to come up with a decent piece of music. This shows that anyone can make a piece of music if you really want to. So to those who are interested, just download Audacity and start recording!

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